I have been playing Golf since the age of 16, i turned pro in 1999 with a handicap of +1. With over 29 years of experience of the game and over 20 years as a teacher, i have great confidence in ability to improve your golf.
As a beginner you can improve your standard without tuition, but everyone hits a brick wall at some point. If you can learn the fundamentals early on in your golfing life, your potential will increase and who knows what level of golf you could achieve!
Golfers generally they are limited to a certain standard “i know i will never be really good” or ” i am too old to change my bad swing habits”- i totally disagree with these attitudes. For as long as you don’t have severe physical injuries, you can move your body in the same way as the pros!
I am highly motivated to help you with your golf (what ever ability level) because of my love of the game. I definitely do not consider helping people with their golf to be ‘work’ because I love to talk and watch golf even when i’m not at the Centre! – I have been keen on improving my own Professional golf for years and still actively play Professional golf in Sussex and in the PGA South Region. Having this common objective of improving my golf energises me to also help others.
Join me every Thursday Night for a weekly Roll Up Class… 7pm.. Everyone Welcome! Just £10 (Balls included)